Friday, November 30, 2012

Reading- We reviewed all of our November songs.  Look for them to come home today.  This week we learned the sounds for "ee", "or" and "z".  Our new popcorn words included; to, too & do.  We worked on building sentences with our popcorn words.  We continue to review all of our letters, sounds and words.  Practice blending sounds together to make words!
Writing- We worked on the formation of capital U,V,W and X.
Math- We put numbers in order from 1-10.  We counted out bears and birds.  We practiced writing numbers on the dry erase board.  We played a game working on greater than and less than with numbers 0-10.

1st grade tier 3 reading
We worked on the short vowel sounds and began filling in our own vowel books.  We learned a poem to assist us in remembering which letters are vowels.  Continue to read the books that come home each day.  Repeated reading increases fluency as well as word recognition.  The boys should bring home a book each day with the exception of Thursday.  Each Thursday, I progress monitor their reading fluency and sight word fluency. We also spend time working on the kindergarten and 1st grade sight words and I-station on the computer.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


    Language Arts- We worked on the sounds made by oa, and ie.  We introduced many new popcorn words including; am, did, not, can, but and is.  We continue to review letter names and sounds.  We are also working on building CVC words.  
    Math- We are working on numbers 0-10.  Students need to know the name of each number, the symbol that represents it, 1-1 correspondence and greater and less than.
    Handwriting-  We played a guess the "frog jump" letter activity.  Frog jump letters capitals are F,E,D,P,B,R,N, & M.
    1st grade tier 3 reading-We continue to read leveled books daily.  Watch for red folders to come home at least 3-4 times/ week.  We are working on reading and writing CVC words and basic sight words.  

Friday, November 9, 2012

Reading- We have worked on the letters and sounds for f, b, and j.  This week we learned our first vowel pair ai.  The students took home their October songs on Halloween, hopefully you enjoyed hearing them sing them.  
Math- We are working on number sense from 0-5.  This includes recognizing, writing, 1-1 correspondence and comparing these numbers.  
     We welcomed in 5 new students to our afternoon classroom this Wednesday.  They make a great addition to the 4 students we already had!!!

RTI- 1st grade tier 3 reading
The students have been busy reading a variety of books.  Continue to reread these as they come home in the red pouch during the week.  As we begin to focus on writing responses to what we read, I am noticing that some students don't understand the difference between upper and lower case letters.  When reading, have your child locate the uppercase letters.  Discuss why that letter was used within the text.